At the beginning of the sequence, the universal logo/ident is shown. It has been altered to sound and look like a video game to be in keeping with the theme of the film; the audience will recognise this as it is very well known. Font and narration introduces the film and the camera pans down to an establishing shot. The audio is used to represent a flash back, the sound effect sounds dreamy and indicates the audience is introduced to the beginning of a story.
The main characters are featured in the following shot. Characters mention the name "Scott" however the character "Scott" does not turn around at first which builds suspense for the audience. Those viewing the film are aware that this name is important as it is linked with the title of the film. When "Scott" is revealed there is a close up and font is used to introduce him: "Scott Pilgrim. Rating: Awesome". The font used is used in the style of a comic book or a video game. This theme is seen throughout as font and sound work together. For instance when the door bell sounds, cartoon font simultaneously appears on the screen "ding dong". Shots used include over the shoulder shots as well as many cuts and close ups. There is a lot of emphasis on emotion due to the frequent use of close ups. The shots are fast paced to create tension or drama. When scott goes to open the front door a sound effect is used that signals triumph or accomplishment - these types of sound effects are also common in video games. There is a two person shot at door and again use of close ups to introduce the character Knives; font again appears next to the character to introduce them.
The characters start to introduce themselves as a band. There is a mid shot of guitarist and theres a pull of focus to show the drummer taking charge and starting off the music. This is used to represent the personality of the female character and to demonstrate the theme of comedy. Font accompanies her speech: "one two three four!" Graphics used show cartoon electric sparks that erupt from the band. This emphasises the loud sound created and again is associated with video games or comics. Following from this is the use of a pull back shot where a tracking shot or zoom is used which moves back from the subject (the band) to the context of the scene (other characters watching the band from the sofa). Whilst this tracking shot moves backwards font appears to introduce producers and another shot shows the title of the film. This font is noticeably bigger to emphasise that this the main title of the movie. Music accompanies actors names which flash on and off of the screen and there are several cuts to different backgrounds. This colourful and fast moving pace of graphics reflects the pace of the music and the hectic attitude of the film. The noise of these background helps to display this. The music plays whilst actors names flash on and off of the screen. The colourful and fast moving graphics in the background reflect the pace of the music. At the end of the names there is an abrupt stop; close ups of the character knives are to emphasise her response to the music
You write accurately about the comic book /video game quality of the visuals, and note the importance of the sound/vision editing where the visuals are cut to the beat of the track 'Sex Bomb'. You comment thoughtfully on how character and emotion are delivered through the title sequence style. What you have not drawn attention to is the quality of the scratch film, dirty negatives, 'noise' of the graphics.