Today we spent time considering locations for our film opening and we each took photos of places or areas that could produce effective shots and help to set the mis-en-scene of our opening. I took photos of specific items that I found that i thought we could use to create effect shots. In some shots I asked Demi to model as if she was the missing girl that is the main character in the film to see how well it would work.
In this shot Demi is shown behind the gate that suggests she is trapped. This trapped sensation is also a representation of how the character would feel mentally if they were to be in a large woodland area that appeared never-ending.
In an effort to further depict this woodland as "never-ending" I have considered that we could use a 360 degree shot of the woods that could look similar to the image above. This would also help to convey the panic of the girl as she must work out where she is and where to run to.
The image shown here would also help to convey this panic and would be a way to establish the location of the girl as we plan to have very fast paced editing for our opening. The lighting through the trees is eery and also very eye-catching. We would have to consider how our lighting would work for our film as the woodland area will be very shaded.
In this image I have demonstrated how we could position the camera to show our female character to be hiding within the woods. This would also highlight the sense of claustrophobia from the abundance of trees that surround her and make an interesting shot. This close up enables the audience to really get a sense of the main characters emotions. It is important that if we were to do this we think about positioning carefully so that we are still able to see enough of the character's face.
We have experimented with various camera movements and this footage shows how I have considerd a panning shot. Though something like this may be effective, we are looking at having very fast paced editing and this may not fit with what we want to achieve.
You clearly understand that it is vital to explain the reasons behind your choices. I like the fact that you have included video footage of experimental camera work on location. Very good as always, Agatha.