Sunday, 1 March 2015


I have begun to create the website for our film (opening). I decided to use photos from the photoshoot for the poser of the film. Kate worked with me and suggested creating a mirror or reflected effect with oen of the shots of Demi's profile. I took this into photoshop and I created the design by flipping the image. I then had to remove some of the image to blend and murge the two images of the face together so that they apeared reflected.

From here I altered the opacity levels of the images and continued to blend and alter colours so as to make the join/blend seemless and more accurate. I then built up various layers so that I might alter the colour of the image. I wished to create a darker image so that any text and information would be visible. Although the image can be seen I hope to create a darker less obvious background here for the website. It is important to make the background visually appealing and interesting however on a website I  the links, titles and other fonts used needed to be very clear and visible. This darkness works well for the tone that we wish to create.

I looked at websites for films of a similar genre to ours to make sure that I was creating something with a similar feel:

As I go on to develop the website page I may try to encorporate elements I have noticed in these film websites where the logo is included and there is often a hidden bar or set of links so that the background can be appreciated more.

1 comment:

  1. Sound research which clearly links to your own outcomes.
